Sunday, July 23, 2017

stuff, stuff, stuff

Welcome to my first blog post. You'll be happy to know that all of my blog posts will be relatively short and sweet. Am I the only teacher that gets reading fatigue? Maybe my attention span has diminished? I don't know. Here we go. :)

Is there anyone out there that can relate to this?

I have too much stuff in my classroom! I would love to have my things match and coordinate and look nice, but I have a hard time letting go of the perfectly usable things that I already have-- not to mention the knick knacks that students/families have given me.

This week, I walked into my classroom for the first time all summer and was immediately overwhelmed. Of course, I had stuff everywhere and nothing was in its place, so it looked especially horrible. But even still, I just wanted to make everything disappear!

I think it's because I follow lots of amazing teachers on Instagram and I am part of so many FB teacher groups, so I see all of this adorable stuff being purchased. As much as I want to be a part of the posting of my latest hauls from Target Dollar Spot, I can't help but feel overwhelmed by buying more stuff-- even if it's way cuter! I actually would LOVE to change my color scheme-- I even made something for my TPT store to go with it. I just feel like I can't use it until I get rid of so much of what I have!

My question to you: How do you finally let go of things that don't go with your newest color scheme? 


  1. I'm a big fan of purging. If I don't use it- out it goes. I have moved rooms every year for 4 years straight now so it has made it easy. I don't want to move things that I don't use- so I get rid of it!
    Also, I don't do a color scheme. Our class was very kid created last year and they loved it. They made the things for the bulletin boards, our word wall, and almost everything else we posted in the room.

    1. I hear you! I wish I could purge more often, I'm so sentimental and I have a fear of getting rid of something and wishing I had it later. Yes, those are signs of being a borderline teacher-hoarder. Ah!! I love your comment about things being kid-created. I don't do a theme in my room other than trying to coordinate my organizational pieces, everything else is kid-created. I think I need to take a breathe and start purge, purge, purging! Probably should have started that in June. :P haha

  2. Embrace an eclectic look when things are still functional and needed. I found that if everything matches, kids don't always notice the content– it all blurs together for them. What draws their attention is something that is different, or unique. To get rid of things, I've discovered that kids love to get things from their teacher. I just had a student contact me on FB and tell me how much it meant to her when I gave her a small stuffed animal from my collection and one of my school sweatshirts! : )

    1. I love your insight, and what a great idea! I think you are right. :)

  3. I agree with purging! I do this on a regular basis. Admittedly, since I admit to being a perfectionist, I eventually get it to the colors I want it to be!
    Confessions of a Frazzled Teacher

    1. I need to purge! It's so hard for me to purge organizational items!!

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